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How to use aia file To upload this aia file in google play store you have made following changes: 1)change the logo of app 2)mak...

How to use aia file

How to use aia file
To upload this aia file in google play store you have made following changes:
1)change the logo of app
2)make some small changes in app.
3)change the name of app
4)use some creativity in app
5)always use non-copyright images
#Change the logo of app:to upload the app in google play store you have change logo of have designed new logo for app.
#make some small changes in app: small changes means change the colour of buttons,change backgrounds colour,make some improvements in the app
#change the app name: the app name should be unique and Non-copyright.
#use some creativity in app: Before uploading app adds some features in app make it attractive and 
#use non-copyright images:always use non-copyright images during app improvements this help to make app copyright free.

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